Forewarned Is Forearmed

In Australia if you shine a light on something the authorities don’t want people to see, from my experiences you can rest assured they’ll harass you. This is what happened after I published my story for you.

Registration Oddities

I had tried my best to keep location details and indeed the overall footage view as obscured as reasonably possible so it didn’t impact too much on the future data I would get. One of the things that interested me was how people did the exact same thing at the exact same time, and knew exactly where to come. We all know how departmental employees details are kept very private to protect them. But how private are your details when you make a complaint about them? As it turned out, your details appear to be circulated quite freely. However it did appear there were people in our area who went to great lengths to maintain their own privacy, some of them very keen on our residence.

Handy for a whole bunch of activities I’d guess, and they weren’t cardboard knock-offs either. Registration plates should appear valid or possibly expired if checked, however it seemed in our little area they frequently returned something else. The State and plate details appeared correct but they apparently didn’t exist. While the registration data results have likely changed since this article was posted, this shows the results at the time in the public database. If nothing else it was certainly odd.

It seems the various departments might have forgotten they serve the community, not themselves and their friends.
— Wild Exile

No Birds For You!

We had a handful of birds fly into our area from the surrounding bush and immediately it seemed the powers that be weren’t about to allow that. Eliminating every last bird I had enjoyed watching seemed to really appeal to a number of people, and their obsession had increased even more so after the original article was published. I found it amazing Australia touted itself as a free country but you aren’t even allowed birds in your yard. Some freedom huh, although I suspect it had a lot to do with the occupations of a few locals. Australia is at the point where killing wildlife has become fun for many out there, including our Rangers it seems.

Unfortunately that destructive attitude is amazingly common. Recently an older gentleman in his sixties who enjoyed having Rainbow Lorikeets in his backyard died after being attacked with a broomstick by a neighbour who seemingly didn’t like the birds. When it comes to their environment and wildlife, Australia has a very, very long way to go.

It Only Gets Worse

If you read my earlier articles you may remember I mentioned “…once you have a group of people apparently able to do whatever they want, it only ever gets worse”. Well here is one example of a local coming around to threaten me, attempt to open our door, and when that fails, even punching our door. The reason? He didnt like our gum trees.

Local threatens and punches door example 1
Local threatens and punches door example 2
Local threatens and punches door example 3
Local threatens and punches door example 4
Local threatens and punches door example 5
Local threatens and punches door example 6
Local threatens and punches door example 7
Local threatens and punches door example 8
Local threatens and punches door example 9
Local threatens and punches door example 10
Local threatens and punches door example 11
Local threatens and punches door example 12
Local threatens and punches door example 13
Local threatens and punches door example 14

Ring the Police you say? The ones that sit out the front, or the ones that sit at our back gate? Yeah right.
From all my experiences I will say one thing, if you investigate who helps destroy our wildlife and show people a glimpse of how the system works you will be met with blatant corruption, lies, intimidation, and harassment. It seems to be the official way of doing things here. No doubt a direct result of various Departments investigating themselves and the only punishment ever likely to be ‘suspended on pay’. Which of course is a holiday, not a punishment. Not going to work and still getting paid is a holiday, right?

Mail Call

A letter drop throughout our street soon occurred, however our letterbox would be missed out from those deliveries. It didn’t appear to be junk mail but whenever it was done people would nip along the boundary and all head for the same place. Nothing all that interesting by itself, until I noticed people started to flick the finger, others even did a little dance out the front. Having lived in the area for years told me, most likely, something was about to happen.

Male doing a letter drop to local houses
Woman flicking the bird

I had wondered about the possibility people would actively seek out and encourage complaints and assistance from others after my article was published, even if simply to help harass or monitor our yard for any bird-life. It looked like this was going to be the case as more and more people started hanging around out the front shortly after the letter drop.

Some familiar faces soon reappeared and got busy visiting houses and chatting to people in the area, and of course the waving started up once again.

Familiar face holding up phone
Familiar face chatting to man
Familiar face chatting to woman
Familiar face chatting to couple
Familiar face chatting to couple example 2
Familiar face waving

The foot traffic then went way, way up. I’d guess they realised the constant vehicles sitting out the front everyday wasn’t working in the manner they wanted, that style of harassment backfired on them. It was a common theme I had noticed while documenting though, they really seemed to enjoy the harassment side of things. A great deal of effort and organisation went into this and it clearly gave them pleasure. Naturally though there’s always one or two that just can’t help themselves.

Vehicle revisits out front of house
Vehicle revisits again

Anything There?

We soon had an influx of dog walkers and people who would walk up, quickly have a peek into our backyard, then walk off again. I noticed one would also sit out the front in his vehicle on occasion so I had strong doubts it was just random walkers.

Backyard checking example 1
Backyard checking example 2
Backyard checking example 3
Backyard checking example 4
Backyard checking example 5
Backyard checking example 6
Backyard checking example 7
Backyard checking in vehicle

The nearby locals started beeping their car horn whenever they spotted me in our backyard so all this was hardly a coincidence. While I stood on our patio just enjoying nature, down near our back gate someone yelled out “They’re gonna shoot them. Hahahaaaa” I had now expected this sort of childish crap, but they were certainly taking it to the next level. The attitude of thinking you’re untouchable perhaps.

The police reappeared in a ute at our back gate during all of this and would sit there for a time, just watching. Of course the local Council also reappeared circling out the front, however at this point it became something to expect from them, and was not a surprise.

Unfortunately, the next things I found at our back gate were a surprise. Yet another big ‘X’ made with branches and then a decapitated currawongs head.

Big X made with branches
Decapitated currawong found at our back gate

I considered this was for a bit of harassment and that the yelling out about shooting birds was the locals behaving foolishly. However judging by the injury seen on a bird afterwards, and the bird-life vanishing, that may not have been the case.

Wildlife has injury through wing

The birds vanished, and then the foot traffic vanished. I continued to document for around a month afterwards just to be sure, none of them returned. When you research what is happening to our wildlife and find a bunch of dodgy things going on you can expect considerable harassment and stalking from all sides – and it seems a bit of revenge. So forewarned is forearmed. It made me wonder if sociopaths may just seek out jobs where they can legally destroy animals.

I no longer stand at our back patio enjoying nature and the wildlife and instead stand there listening to barking dogs, but I guess that’s different. Of course, this type of activity has continued and if anything dares to fly into our yard that the locals don’t like the end result is often the same.

I recently found a dying Corella laying in the rain on the property crying out, searching for help in its last moments of life. Who do you think is looking after our birds and wildlife?

Another dying wild parrot found beside our driveway

What has this place become?

Well, to me at least, the overall results showed a complete disregard for nature and our environment. Likely because there is no money in it for them. From my experience when you make an official complaint they simply forward your concerns to the people doing it who then increase the activity you are complaining about. A kind of 'heads up, this annoys them so do it more' attitude.

It has been a huge effort documenting all of this for you and it has cost me a great deal (and my birds). I have experienced my business social media accounts being constantly 'disrupted' or completely removed right through to my internet being disconnected for weeks due to 'maintenance'. Even after switching to another provider, within days, the same 'maintenance' outage occurred yet seemingly did not affect anyone else.

While there is so much more to tell, I will leave it for you to ponder on just how much freedom you really have in todays society. Maybe Australias national anthem needs to be changed to something more appropriate.


Parrot Enclosure Hygiene


Activism Disruption