
Birds Wild Exile Birds Wild Exile

How To Bond With Your Parrot

Caring for a parrot can be a rewarding experience for you as well as your new feathered friend, and it is important that you and your family form a bond with your bird. First off I would suggest getting as much information about your parrots likes/dislikes from their previous carer

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Birds Wild Exile Birds Wild Exile

Finding A Lost Bird

When you have lost your parrot first make sure its definitely not inside your house, then start searching outside for them as soon as possible. If they get outside while you are there you should watch for their direction of flight. Also note the time and date that your parrot was lost …

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Birds Wild Exile Birds Wild Exile

Feather Plucking In Parrots

Has your parrot started to excessively pluck their feathers? Parrot feather plucking issues require immediate attention to prevent any further damage as it can lead to skin infections, and permanent feather loss as well as cause mental stress to your new friend. Veterinarian Check If your parrot has started plucking …

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Birds Wild Exile Birds Wild Exile

Bird Toys

Whether you have adopted a rescued parrot as a companion, or purchased one from a pet shop, hopefully you will have researched the correct size cage to get, and the types of food your bird needs. But there is something that many do not give too much consideration to, and …

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